Indirizzo: 1, Galleria De Cristoforis
Città: Milano
Paese: Italia
Telefono: +39 / 02 58442401
Contatto: Yann Chareton, Nicolò Saidelli
Policy di investimento
Investimento minimo: 10.000.000 €
Investimento massimo: 500.000.000 €
Preferenze geografiche: Europe
Focus di investimento: Buy Out
Preferenze di settore: Chemicals and materials, Construction, Energy and environment, Financial and insurance activities, Food and Beverages, Furniture, Healthcare, ICT, Industrial products and services, Other, Retail, Transportation
Numero di Executives: 33
Numero di fondi: 5
Numero di fondi art. 8 SFDR: N.A.
Numero di fondi art. 9 SFDR: N.A.
Totale capitale gestito: N.A
Numero di portfolio companies: 20
Ardian is a world-leading private investment house with assets of US 164 Bln USD managed or advised in Europe, the Americas and Asia. The company is majority-owned by its employees. It keeps entrepreneurship at its heart and focuses on delivering excellent investment performance to its global investor base. Holding close its core values of excellence, loyalty and entrepreneurship, Ardian maintains a truly global network, with more than 800 employees working from fifteen offices across Europe (Frankfurt, Jersey, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan, Paris and Zurich), the Americas (New York, San Francisco and Santiago) and Asia (Beijing, Singapore, Tokyo and Seoul). It manages funds on behalf of around 800 clients through five pillars of investment expertise: Fund of Funds, Direct Funds, Infrastructure, Real Estate and Private Debt.