Policy di investimento
Investimento minimo: 500.000 €
Investimento massimo: 1.500.000.000 €
Preferenze geografiche: Europe
Focus di investimento: All Stages, Buy Out, Early Stage, Expansion, Impact Investing, Infrastructure, Private Debt, Real Estate
Preferenze di settore: Biotech, Consumer, Energy and environment, Financial and insurance activities, Healthcare, ICT, Medtech
Numero di Executives: 400
Numero di fondi: 15
Numero di fondi art. 8 SFDR: 12
Numero di fondi art. 9 SFDR: 3
Totale capitale gestito: 35.5 Bn Euro
Numero di portfolio companies: 600
Eurazeo is a leading global investment group with €35.5bn in diversified assets under management, including €25.2bn on behalf of institutional and private clients through its private equity, private debt, real estate and infrastructure strategies.
The Group supports around 600 companies, leveraging the commitment of its over 400 employees, its sector expertise, its privileged access to global markets via 13 offices in Europe, Asia and the United States, and its responsible approach to value creation based on growth.
The company's institutional and family shareholding structure, and its solid financial structure, ensure its long-term viability..
Eurazeo has 13 offices worldwide, including Paris, Milan, Madrid, New York, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo, London, Luxembourg, Frankfurt and Berlin.
Eurazeo is listed on Euronext Paris.
ISIN: FR0000121121 - Bloomberg: RF FP - Reuters: EURA.PA.