
Private Debt

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Indirizzo: 9, Via Soperga
Città: Milano
Paese: Italia

Telefono: +39 / 02 82849000
Contatto: Daniele Weisz

Policy di investimento

Investimento minimo: N/A
Investimento massimo: N/A
Preferenze geografiche: Italy
Focus di investimento: Non Performing Assets
Preferenze di settore: None


Numero di Executives: 9
Numero di fondi: 3
Numero di fondi art. 8 SFDR: 1
Numero di fondi art. 9 SFDR: N.A.
Totale capitale gestito: 520 Mln Euro
Numero di portfolio companies: N.A.


illimity SGR is the illimity Banking Group's Asset Management Firm, specialising in alternative investments. Using a distinctive, dynamic approach, illimity SGR has its main focus in providing Italian SMEs that have industrial and strategic potential, even if they are currently struggling, with a new opportunity for financial support, advisory services and managerial assistance according to illimity Group mission and strategy.
illimity SGR promotes and manages Alternative Investment Funds identifying and adopting the best market solutions to support growth and/or relaunch, develop and improve mid-sized companies with solid fundamentals.
On 31 December 2023 illimity SGR manages three AIFs: (i) “illimity Credit & Corporate Turnaround Fund” (iCCT Fund), an alternative credit fund launched on March 2021 dedicated to investments in Unlikely To Pay (“UTP”) loans to SMEs with revival and relaunch potential, (ii) “illimity Real Estate Credit Fund” (iREC Fund), an alternative credit fund launched on august 2022 dedicated to investments in distressed credits - mainly UTPs - secured by real estate assets, under both the form of mortgage loans and lease agreements and (iii) “illimity Selective Credit” (iSC Fund), a private debt AIF art. 8 SFDR compliant, that acts as a medium-long term strategic partner for unlisted performing Italian SMEs, financing them through the use of a broad spectrum of financial instruments, with a focus on ESG issues throughout the investment process.


Via Pietro Mascagni 7
20122 - Milano

Tel +39 02 7607531
Fax +39 02 76398044

C.F. 97047690157
Aut. Trib. Milano n.38 dell'8 febbraio 2016
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