Indirizzo: 5, Via Borromei
Città: Milano
Paese: Italia
Telefono: +39 / 02 721411
Contatto: Pietro Santicoli
Policy di investimento
Investimento minimo: 10.000.000 €
Investimento massimo: 50.000.000 €
Preferenze geografiche: Italy
Focus di investimento: Buy Out, Expansion, Replacement
Preferenze di settore: Food and Beverages, Furniture, Healthcare, Industrial products and services, Other manufacturing, Retail
Numero di Executives: 6
Numero di fondi: N.A.
Numero di fondi art. 8 SFDR: N.A.
Numero di fondi art. 9 SFDR: N.A.
Totale capitale gestito: N.A.
Numero di portfolio companies: 9
Mittel acts as an investment partner of mid-sized enterprises and pursues a long-term approach
(“permanent capital”) and active investment management with a limited use of financial leverage.
By investing its own equity in majority stakes of distinctive Italian companies, Mittel is able, thanks to its
financial and managerial expertise and network, to support the growth and to implement build-up projects
in industrial and service sectors.